KI & KA Full Movie (की & का ) | Kareena Kapoor, Arjun Kapoor | R. Balki | Romantic Comedy Film

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1,7 тыс.

  • @CivilEngineerVarunSingh
    @CivilEngineerVarunSingh 11 месяцев назад +135

    Breaking one of the biggest stereotypes of our society which is that Women can take care of home only and only men should earn and go outside.....this is very serious ego issue of men....very nice movie....must appreciate ....

  • @sunilauttarkabat4419
    @sunilauttarkabat4419 11 месяцев назад +36

    Hats off to you man...hats off to Arjun Kapoor..I'm shocked how a man can control his emotions,his anger..❤

  • @M-VlogG04
    @M-VlogG04 Год назад +216

    first relation then marriage...
    Then the time of jealousy become start with own partner success .
    I like the reality Story based on this film 💯

  • @yumpirai5783
    @yumpirai5783 7 месяцев назад +20

    M so thankful to God 😊
    My husband is in duty and m studying,,his family and he himself is very supportive..
    Every woman deserves a supportive family.

  • @honey0731
    @honey0731 Год назад +84

    Thanks for uploading this movie i had watched it first time. At last,when kabir was leaving kia, i realized that he had an option to go but some women can't go anywhere. For this reason they have to compromise with their life by accepting it as their destiny.

  • @Niharikaaa__23
    @Niharikaaa__23 Год назад +66

    Really it is the best movie I have ever seen ..........this movie not only inspired a man to do all work in house but also inspired a girl to stand on her own feet .............the boy and girl have to be equal equality in this society but there has a lack of this equality in our society..........and this movie gives a precious lesson to our society .......❤❤😊.....

  • @neharoychowdhury9435
    @neharoychowdhury9435 Год назад +849

    I don't know why this movie didn't get love and appreciation even after this brilliant concept, human emotions such beautifully portrayed, very natural feelings belittle and anger and so many other emotions, you do say extremely nasty things when you are angry which you mean and not mean too.... ahh loved it... this movie would stay with me for a long time !!

    • @pintu_patil
      @pintu_patil Год назад +22

      Really a great movie but someone like me if tried to do the same thing which is shown in movie then this society will never accept it and my parents too.....but even I though I always love to help mom in her work whatever it is...and I really get a different level of feeling when Iam working with her.i love my mom so much....

    • @fidanayani7765
      @fidanayani7765 Год назад +14

      Fully agree with you and the reason why it didn't get the due appreciation is that nowadays we have become materialists and do not give a damn to social or marital problems!!!
      Most simply speaking, we have stopped thinking 😢😢😢

    • @shahzaman365
      @shahzaman365 Год назад +4

      It was not about the concept more about the presentation and acting. Scenes were not written very well. Kareena Kapoor plucking out music system to answer a fake call to make a point, wasn’t very believable. The director basically tried to spoon feed every little thing to the audience. A major law in filmmaking is show, don’t tell. I guess the director did not know about that. The acting from both the leads weren’t that good either.

    • @bbasha9383
      @bbasha9383 Год назад


    • @_4ever249
      @_4ever249 Год назад +5

      the very first scene 6:40 just look at him then you know the reason

  • @rashmikeshri8894
    @rashmikeshri8894 Год назад +48

    This movie is ahead of its time.People couldn't realte bcoz househusbands rarely exist.hoping to see it as reality in next 3-4 decades.maybe

    • @kdhd100
      @kdhd100 3 месяца назад +1

      In India this is not common..... But in Philippines this is common where husband takes care of home and wife works..... But movie is way ahead of its time.... And not copied from South or US.....

  • @Nitika_15
    @Nitika_15 11 месяцев назад +65

    Dudee! Why this movie is so underated? Itss a really good movie to watch specially for today's generation.....

  • @Animationvideo773
    @Animationvideo773 11 месяцев назад +726

    Kon kon ye movie 2024 me dekh Raha/rahi hai like kro 👍👍👍👍👍👍

  • @mahamzaidi12
    @mahamzaidi12 Год назад +458

    Finally, someone tried to show the reality of our society through this amazing movie🍿. Brilliant Performance of all actors 👏

  • @star_monii
    @star_monii 11 месяцев назад +17

    Such a masterpiece movie
    I haven't seen any movie like this
    This shows the reality of our society and women's also

    • @ankitkanojiya8337
      @ankitkanojiya8337 6 месяцев назад

      Fir app namaste England dekh lo maza a jayega

  • @Snehaaaaaa8017
    @Snehaaaaaa8017 9 месяцев назад +1423

    Anyone in 2024.....😅😅

  • @afraayoob1654
    @afraayoob1654 Год назад +153

    A feel good movie.... A wonderful message in simply conveyed.... And kia' s mom's words in hospital... The essence of marital life...

  • @arushisrivastava
    @arushisrivastava Год назад +242

    Really great movie, and it's so true line that a woman needs much more effort to love and accept a man like kabir even after being like Kia. ❤

  • @ayushiydvKG
    @ayushiydvKG 20 дней назад +2

    1:55:05 Wow! What a fantastic movie! I loved it. The leads did an amazing job, and the script, dialogue, and design teams were equally impressive. Kudos to the creators! I really enjoyed "Ki & Ka" and the message it aimed to convey.♥

  • @521RutushreeMohanty
    @521RutushreeMohanty 10 месяцев назад +4

    Speechless 😶 but actually the lines of mom in hospital bed was actually true 💯💯💯💯

  • @nayanagowda-3037
    @nayanagowda-3037 7 месяцев назад +5

    What an movie yar !!! This movie shown sad reality of society.....and i say to every mother teach there son house works so that the child will well nourished and helpfull to his future too❤

  • @papernut4025
    @papernut4025 Год назад +19

    It's been 11days that movie had been uploaded and already it had views about 30laks that means on an average 272727 people had seen per one of them and I love the movie.thank u for reading ❤

  • @raziaghaws1202
    @raziaghaws1202 9 месяцев назад +3

    They way her mom explains the bitter reality of this world about house wife and bread winner 👍👍

  • @mindtrack2903
    @mindtrack2903 Год назад +21

    Yr Arjun Kapoor kitna cute lagra hai is movie me bilkul innocent

  • @moxitasapahiya6878
    @moxitasapahiya6878 5 месяцев назад +1

    A great message to a society. People make taboo that only women can handle the house ,children's etc . But if man helps and try. It becomes easy for a women to live their life happily and respectfully ❤

  • @missnilofershaikh6656
    @missnilofershaikh6656 Год назад +105

    I was looking for this movie since soo long! Finally I got it without searching and without even thinking about it! 😅

  • @Samuuu_018
    @Samuuu_018 Год назад +14

    It's a great movie guys i actually don't know why they didn't get the love what they actually deserve kareena and arjun's acting is really beautiful and the story is i can't express in word just ❤❤❤❤ uuuuuuu

  • @JihanSikandar-ri3uc
    @JihanSikandar-ri3uc Год назад +43

    Wow ...amazing words" main apni maan jaisa bna chahta hun". He is real man ...

  • @Eeeeeee7128
    @Eeeeeee7128 Год назад +61

    Why no one talks about how beautiful kareena is 😍😍 her features are so so good man!! I can't take my eyes off her.

    • @moromokekehinde5052
      @moromokekehinde5052 10 месяцев назад +2

      She's such a stunner❤

    • @Mamichris-j3g
      @Mamichris-j3g 3 месяца назад +1

      She's always beautiful and amazing woman especially in movie

  • @SLS-world
    @SLS-world Год назад +269

    From this movie I understood that whether it is marriage or relationship, both should understand each other's problems and keep moving forward.❤nice movie thanks for oploding

  • @AnkitaDas-97
    @AnkitaDas-97 16 дней назад +2

    Loved watching this movie! Such a beautiful message and brilliant storyline and depiction of the story!

  • @narendrarajpurohitt
    @narendrarajpurohitt Год назад +30

    the true success of this movie will be when we understand and apply this emtions anyway great movie hope our society will change with such movies

  • @tanzilparvin4393
    @tanzilparvin4393 Месяц назад +2

    Just love to re-watch this movie .....
    The way they have played the role by every character.....
    And yeah Kabir is the dream of every women ❤.....
    Not every "Man" run to earn their bread 😄

  • @poonamkuldeep5880
    @poonamkuldeep5880 Год назад +13

    Sbse best concept ye h ki ye dono itna kuch hone ke baad v ek dusre ke sath rhte h, ur ek dusre ko accept krte h, samjhte h😊

  • @aizakhan4405
    @aizakhan4405 9 месяцев назад +44

    Kon kon ye movie 2024 me dekh raha h ?? Like karo comment

  • @ritikabasu9168
    @ritikabasu9168 Год назад +138

    I really loved this concept. Not sure why such topics are not appreciated while Kabir Singh type movie is a super hit

  • @anugorai788
    @anugorai788 Год назад +26

    A different concept!!.…amazing movie ❤

  • @sabasohel3886
    @sabasohel3886 Год назад +564

    Arjun kapoor's role is very fantastic and he plays his role very well❤

    • @dyalsaraswati3915
      @dyalsaraswati3915 Год назад +5


    • @umaashwath7471
      @umaashwath7471 4 месяца назад +1

      Too good Arjun's role ,he nailed it ✨💖
      Kias mother's final words SO TRUE, chahey ki yaa ka ho, Jo kamaathe Hein, Ghar sambaalne Waley ki kaamyabi bhool jaate Hein.
      Zara bhi naam aaye tho, kamaaney Wale ko thakleef hotha hei... Be it ki or kaa @ some point ✨
      Balance of head heart ✨

    • @IamAChampion496
      @IamAChampion496 3 месяца назад

      ​@@umaashwath7471 And also " It takes a lot for a man to be like Kabir, but it takes a lot more for a woman to love a man like Kabir" ❤😍💖💕

  • @deveshkrishnan714
    @deveshkrishnan714 9 месяцев назад +3

    Absolutely superb..
    A new funny concept
    Arjun kapoor, kareena👌👌...

  • @shakeelbasha2856
    @shakeelbasha2856 Год назад +136

    Kis kis ko meri tarah bina serch kiye ki abd ka movie mil gae hai like toko 😊😊😂😂🎉🎉

  • @doctor2187
    @doctor2187 Месяц назад +1

    Superb concept and breaking of the best favourite film❤..

  • @swagatikasagaratanaya9335
    @swagatikasagaratanaya9335 Год назад +52

    Wonderful movie with a real story. Love this movie and all characters did their best performance.🎉🎉❤❤❤

  • @SewwandiEkanayake-ve3ye
    @SewwandiEkanayake-ve3ye 11 месяцев назад +8

    Ranveer and Kareena portray their characters well. I like it❤️

  • @Maheera23
    @Maheera23 Год назад +7

    Kitni baar search ki thi ye movie😢 par mili nahi thi, ab bina search kiye hi milgayi😊osm

  • @deepikabharath1269
    @deepikabharath1269 11 месяцев назад +14

    Nice movie with good concept. Loved amitabh bachchan jaya's cameo😂

  • @vinodtamhane7675
    @vinodtamhane7675 Год назад +40

    Todays love life is vary expensive, even living alone is expensive. Due to expensive living life do we really think love life is possible with expensive life. Even love is there or not expensive life is never going to end. Movie 👌

  • @shwetasonam8474
    @shwetasonam8474 6 месяцев назад +1

    This movie deserves super duper hit 🔥.....What a movie it is😍😍😍😍... first time ever I watched such movie. Jitna tarif kru utna km h.....For me it is blockbuster ❤

  • @pratikshaajudiya5890
    @pratikshaajudiya5890 Год назад +12

    Sahi me timepass ke liye dekha tha ye movie pr sachi me Dil chu Gaya , ye movie sab ladko ko dekhna chahye or sikhna chahye k apni wife ka sapna kese pure puru duniya k against ja kr.......
    I just love it movie really too good ❤👍👍🥰🥰

  • @ships3683
    @ships3683 Год назад +54

    Really a good movie. ..never expected it too b so good. Arjun kapoor acts well in simple sobre roles as in 2 States too with alia bhat. I think many guys & girls can indentify this concept of life in d new generation. Once again good movie...kareens too good performance.

  • @tanzilparvin4393
    @tanzilparvin4393 11 месяцев назад +45

    I wish I would get this kind of husband like Ka (Kabir) ....the way he enrolled the character in this movie..... Excellent Performance 👏.....and yeah funny too 😂

  • @didulmohanty4645
    @didulmohanty4645 11 месяцев назад +6

    Searching since last so many years and finally got it just superb

  • @Reenarajput_rj02
    @Reenarajput_rj02 11 месяцев назад +178

    Watching in 2024 😂🤦‍♀️

  • @Dumbogal13
    @Dumbogal13 Год назад +119

    Why is this movie so underrated...this is literally an amazing movie

  • @Hshwug4800
    @Hshwug4800 9 месяцев назад +1

    🙌♥️👌👌 This is my first comment 😂 before it I used to read the comments but this movie is really good..and it really motivates me to do my work by own and as a girl take my responsibilities.Thank for a great movie. ❤ just loved it ..last suggestion if you worried or stressed just do Bhangra on the last song which is played (high heels )😅💃💃🕺

  • @yashikasharmaxl-c8219
    @yashikasharmaxl-c8219 Год назад +7

    Kis kis ko trailor m romantic pr asliyat m bhut curiosity vali movie lagi..... literally amazing🎉

  • @radhasahu7518
    @radhasahu7518 11 месяцев назад +3

    Really great movie.....l am so inspired a man to all work in house....hatt off Arjun....❤❤.... Gender stereotypes is stopped... Amazing 😍

  • @lakshiinayat2842
    @lakshiinayat2842 Год назад +15

    Thanks for uploading this movies.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @priyankakushwaha1929
    @priyankakushwaha1929 Месяц назад

    Aaj maine ye movie yuhi dekh li par 10 min bad hi itni connected feel hua geniune question jinke pas sab hota hai wo kya sochte hai Relationship is not about this is my prblm this is our prblm this what we miss when we are in anger ufff explained wow

  • @PrachiSaini-c4g
    @PrachiSaini-c4g 8 месяцев назад +132

    Kis kis ne ye picture Kai baar ignore ki hai 😂😂.

    • @PremdeviSalvi-mc8pp
      @PremdeviSalvi-mc8pp 7 месяцев назад +1

      Ha yrr pr bot mst movie h ❤

    • @zhreyagrawal
      @zhreyagrawal 7 месяцев назад


    • @sanzidsazal5969
      @sanzidsazal5969 5 месяцев назад

      Meee at last only for Arjun and Kareena saw this both were my fav but due to name of the movie i thought flop movie but at last 2024 made this happening to enjoy kahani strong tha logic strong tha but to take over the psychology for us in our society is still more difficult

    • @respect_life813
      @respect_life813 4 месяца назад

      Ab socha itni baar aa gyi samne to dekh hi leta hu😂

    • @IamAChampion496
      @IamAChampion496 3 месяца назад

      I watched it in theatre and I loved it ❤❤

  • @motivationalshortvideos447
    @motivationalshortvideos447 10 месяцев назад +1

    Dam it's really excellent movie, I wish every man be like kabir as a wife or as a wife. Who watches in 2024?🤪

  • @naseerjatoi8951
    @naseerjatoi8951 Год назад +20

    Wow what a story Superb Excellent concept Superb ❤

  • @Puspita4021
    @Puspita4021 7 месяцев назад

    The movie is so meaningful,,ladke kam kar rahe hain iska yeh matlab nehi ladka, ek ladka jaisa na ho,,ladki type ho,,
    Ajkal ka time ka samaj bohut acche se dikhaya
    Love for bulki sir ❤❤❤

  • @mamtapariyar-mb6lo
    @mamtapariyar-mb6lo Год назад +58

    Kareena and Arjun did very wonderful acting they both did fabu I have no words they kill it in that movie 👏👏👏😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ really 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

  • @MoeedAhmed143
    @MoeedAhmed143 9 месяцев назад +1

    ki & ka love 💗 story was amazing and i saw a good movie🎞🎥 after a long time and i smiled on every moment of this lovely 💕 story

  • @anishakaju191
    @anishakaju191 Год назад +46

    The most underrated movie....❤....just do it a try ...u definately gonna love this film....full pack story drama....become one of my fav❤.....strongly recommended ❤.....just watch it before checking reviews or comments❤❤

    @MUQEET.BHAI123 7 месяцев назад +3

    i love this movie so much because in this gender are not important and sacrifice for each other for progress and fullfill dreams each other

  • @sanjanasanjana2347
    @sanjanasanjana2347 Год назад +16

    Who is here even after watching it once before....but again here due to its concept 💪

  • @nikunjmeghani2669
    @nikunjmeghani2669 Месяц назад

    01:43 Start Song
    05:38 Continue
    39:07 Maid Caught Arjun
    39:33 Ac
    39:57 Tv
    40:42 ⏺️

  • @User_05-s
    @User_05-s Год назад +13

    Worth watching definitely not a flop 👏👏

  • @chelshimayisarkar5783
    @chelshimayisarkar5783 6 месяцев назад +1

    Excellent movie with beautiful messages ❤❤❤❤

  • @Samuuu_018
    @Samuuu_018 Год назад +101

    Everyone should definitely watch this movie specially the kids of today's generation they can get so much from this ❤
    This is my all time favorite movie it's not just because of arjun or kareena its because of the message how easily the told us that gender doesn't choose that what you want to do its just about the simple feelings or choice that you like to do job or you want to become a house wife ( artist ) 🫡to the writer and Everyone who made this amazing film🫶👍💝

  • @nehasinghthakur1916
    @nehasinghthakur1916 2 месяца назад +1

    l totaly loveeeee it❤millons of heart touched this flim nono masterpeice for sure bless u guys

  • @kushisingh12thg90
    @kushisingh12thg90 Год назад +45

    Really a great message is being conveyed by this movie....❤❤

  • @MissShrutiAg..
    @MissShrutiAg.. 9 месяцев назад +2

    Amazing..❤❤what a concept..

  • @princessduarehman1464
    @princessduarehman1464 Год назад +3

    Very very beautiful n different movie.. Aisi movie aaj tak nahi aai ki jisme husband as a wife bana ho. So i watched it many times ❤❤ n i love this movie sooooooooooooooo much

  • @Heena2098
    @Heena2098 10 месяцев назад +1

    First time ever I have seen this movie.... And am in love with it 😻💞 what a picture yrr amazing....🎉❤

  • @ashishsinghlion6520
    @ashishsinghlion6520 Год назад +17

    New generation movie wow😚😙😘

  • @AnshuSingh-t1e
    @AnshuSingh-t1e 10 месяцев назад +1

    such a wonderfull movie♥♥. the way it explained the jelousy of a working person towards their partners was soo true and definetly it should change

  • @pratikshapadwal702
    @pratikshapadwal702 11 месяцев назад +6

    OMG what a movie and message for our society ❤

  • @rebeccakhanam5052
    @rebeccakhanam5052 10 месяцев назад +2

    Wonderful movie. So unique story. Love it ❤

  • @risingbeast9908
    @risingbeast9908 11 месяцев назад +4

    Much ahead of it's time when it got released , hope the world become more accepting and loving rather than judging and crushing

  • @bhagyashrideshmane9533
    @bhagyashrideshmane9533 8 месяцев назад +1

    It's such a nice movie... Ignored it many times

  • @antaragorai6908
    @antaragorai6908 Год назад +56

    I had been looking for this movie so long 🥺
    Finally I get a chance to see this movie ❤
    Such a real story based movie ❣️
    & arjun kapoor acting karna sikh geya 😅

  • @ruqaiyakhan9864
    @ruqaiyakhan9864 Год назад +2

    Super cool movies NVR seen this story b4...hatts off,.❤❤❤❤❤

  • @meerasawant9647
    @meerasawant9647 Год назад +15

    Very very heart' touching for women.Very well done by Kareena and Arjun❤❤❤

  • @punam9078
    @punam9078 Год назад +27

    That's really awesome 👍
    You can't bore even a single second ❤❤
    Very interesting loved the movie 🍿

  • @ghulammurtza3159
    @ghulammurtza3159 11 месяцев назад +6

    After seeing this movie many life will be destroy b/coz of this concept
    Ervery wife should to do job but not house wife but husband will not carry house.
    Its amazing in the limit of virtual, ideal in just movies.

  • @articlient4753
    @articlient4753 10 месяцев назад +1

    Loved the concept, brilliant execution. finally something new.

  • @Fatima_saleem19
    @Fatima_saleem19 Год назад +19

    Brilliant movie made by the director,producer and actors.

  • @DeepakNarwade-k6f
    @DeepakNarwade-k6f 4 месяца назад +3

    This Movie is Amazing 😊

  • @shortvideos35700
    @shortvideos35700 Год назад +12

    Ye movie dekhne ke bad Arjun kapoor se Sach mein Pyar ho gaya ❤

  • @SahinAlom-i7o
    @SahinAlom-i7o 2 месяца назад

    Very bar bar ignore kiya finally today watching very nice❤❤

  • @tania2005
    @tania2005 Год назад +23

    Brilliant concept of this movie can change the way of thinking of the society

  • @AbhisiktaPanigrahi
    @AbhisiktaPanigrahi Год назад +11

    Just awesome script and acting arjun & kareena ❤❤❤

  • @poojayewale207
    @poojayewale207 9 месяцев назад

    What a beautiful movie! Everyone should watch this at least once! ❤

  • @ruchigoswami370
    @ruchigoswami370 Год назад +12

    One thing in this movie is that if there is a fight, how to end it before it starts. 😂

  • @Aarush-bc5bh
    @Aarush-bc5bh Месяц назад

    First time I'm watching Arjun Kapoor's movie 😊 and he just an amazing🫶 actor 🎧

  • @rishitasarkar1671
    @rishitasarkar1671 Год назад +3

    Brilliant story everyone should appreciate 👏 ths movie 🎉

  • @samiajuthy5147
    @samiajuthy5147 9 месяцев назад +1

    Suddenly came to RUclips and it was in the suggestion 😂 Not bad actually

  • @RaniKumari-gf8ky
    @RaniKumari-gf8ky Год назад +32

    Such a great movie ❤❤❤❤

  • @Dipikasaini-hl2nu
    @Dipikasaini-hl2nu 9 месяцев назад +2

    The movie was too good 👍💗💗

  • @atiyarahman3089
    @atiyarahman3089 Год назад +18

    I am somewhat like kiya but seriously what is this writing. I am a career oriented woman but if my husband would achieve something, i would be equally happy for his success. It's not a competition who earn more for me. Just want someone who understands me as well. They literally ruined the writing in the 2nd half showing women get jealous if husband starts having more name what nonsense 😂😂

  • @RajNandaniPrasad
    @RajNandaniPrasad 8 месяцев назад +2

    I Loved This Movie.....😊❤